SMWProperty: Wikibase description

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Unterhalb werden 20 Seiten angezeigt, auf denen für dieses Attribut ein Datenwert gespeichert wurde.
visual depiction of this item, typically used for documentation only rather than representation (see also P32) (en)  +
media item that represents this item (en)  +
the item that is represented by this media item (en)  +
concept that is depicted on an item (en)  +
technique or method that is used for creating or changing an object (en)  +
software used for creation of media item (en)  +
equipment used for creation of media item (en)  +
duration of an item, usually video or audio (en)  +
size of media item file (en)  +
P7 +
for items that have parts: how many parts there are (en)  +
format of the file (en)  +
file extension that denotes the file format use with class file format (en)  +
which standard the file conforms to (en)  +
URL where file is stored (en)  +
URL where file can be viewed (en)  +
annotation that was done for this media item (en)  +
link to the URL that has the full text (en)  +
identifies the entity that is the target of an annotation (en)  +
Kompakkt-specific property relating to the perspective of the camera when annotating a 3D model (en)  +
rank determining the order of annotations in the Kompakkt walkthrough (en)  +