SMWProperty: Wikibase description

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Unterhalb werden 20 Seiten angezeigt, auf denen für dieses Attribut ein Datenwert gespeichert wurde.
P1 +
this item is a specific example and a member of that class (en)  +
when an event started, use property 'end date' as well (the property 'date' should be used alternatively when an event only has a point in time instead of a time span) (en)  +
identifier from Wikidata (en)  +, Identifikator eines Items in Wikidata (de)  +
type of property for an object, for example public or private (en)  +, Art des Eigentums für Objekte, zum Beispiel öffentlich oder privat (de)  +
universal identifier from Infrastructure for Spatial Information in the European Community (INSPIRE), used across EU databases (en)  +
style used in the creation of an object (en)  +
when an event finished, use property 'start date' as well (the property 'date' should be used alternatively when an event only has a point in time instead of a time span) (en)  +
language associated with this creative work or a name (en)  +
inherent or distinguishing quality or feature of the entity. Use a more specific property when possible. (en)  +
IANA-registered identifier for a file type (en)  +
ID of the cultural heritage on (en)  +
Identifier for the Bamberg vocabulary for historical architecture (en)  +
whta an object is or was used for (en)  +
URL that points to a visual representation of this item (en)  +
legal privilege given to some members in monarchial and princely societies (en)  +
female parent (en)  +
male parent (en)  +
used for events that are associated with a point in time instead of a time span (use start date and end date for indicating a time span) (en)  +
child of a person (en)  +
occupation, or profession of a person (en)  +