Seiten, die auf „Property:P23“ verlinken
Die folgenden Seiten verlinken auf consists of (P23):
Angezeigt werden 49 Einträge.
- Gunderslevholm main building ground floor staircase (Q5293) (← Links)
- Emkendorf estate rose island (Q5462) (← Links)
- Emkendorf estate rose island flower island (Q5463) (← Links)
- Emkendorf estate landscape park (Q5465) (← Links)
- Emkendorf estate cascade pond (Q5466) (← Links)
- Pronstorf estate tree avenue (Q5495) (← Links)
- Plüschow main building landscape wallpaper (Q6885) (← Links)
- Plüschow main building Stadtansicht Potsdam wallpaper (Q6886) (← Links)
- Galenbeck church pulpit altar (Q6887) (← Links)
- Galenbeck church patronage chair (Q6888) (← Links)
- Galenbeck church pastor's chair (Q6889) (← Links)
- Stola estate main building foundation stone inscription plate (Q6904) (← Links)
- Stola estate main building ground floor entrance No 1 plate (Q6905) (← Links)
- Stola estate main building ground floor entrance No 1 map (Q6906) (← Links)
- Stola estate plan 1664 (Q6908) (← Links)
- Stola estate plan 1728 (Q6909) (← Links)
- Stola estate plan 1728-2 (Q6910) (← Links)
- Stola estate gardens plan 1750 (Q6911) (← Links)
- Stola estate gardens plan 1790 (Q6912) (← Links)
- Stola estate english park hårleman stone (Q6913) (← Links)
- Stola estate english park pope stone (Q6914) (← Links)
- Stola estate english park claes ekeblad the elder stone (Q6915) (← Links)
- Stola estate english park claes ekeblad the younger stone (Q6916) (← Links)
- Stola estate english park eva de la Gardie stone (Q6917) (← Links)
- Stola estate english park Brita Margareta Horn af Ekebyholm stone (Q6918) (← Links)
- Nuhjala eastate gardens plan 1924 (Q6925) (← Links)
- Nuhjala eastate gardens plan 1924 print (Q6926) (← Links)
- Nuhjala estate main building ground floor kings room furniture (Q6928) (← Links)
- Emkendorf portrait of julia countess von Reventlow (Q6935) (← Links)
- Emkendorf theatre scenery figures (Q6936) (← Links)
- Emkendorf angel theatre scenery figure emkendorf estate (Q6937) (← Links)
- Emkendorf 20 theatre backdrops emkendorf estate (Q6938) (← Links)
- Emkendorf Copy after Raphael's School of Athens (Q6939) (← Links)
- Pronstorf french panoramic wallpaper with mediterranean landscapes pronstorf main building (Q6940) (← Links)
- Pronstorf empire wallpaper (Q6941) (← Links)
- Pronstorf supraports (Q6942) (← Links)
- Pronstorf unfinished drawing of the manor house (Q6943) (← Links)
- Pronstorf painting view of the manor house gardenside (Q6944) (← Links)
- Gunderslevholm church pulpit (Q6954) (← Links)
- Gunderslevholm church baptistery (Q6955) (← Links)
- Gunderslevholm church jube (Q6956) (← Links)
- Gunderslevholm church altar (Q6957) (← Links)
- Gunderslevholm church Gøye Epitaph (Q6958) (← Links)
- Gunderslevholm church caritas sculpture (Q6959) (← Links)
- Emkendorf main building second floor ballroom classical stucco ceiling (Q7391) (← Links)
- Emkendorf estate gardeners house (Q7392) (← Links)
- Emkendorf estate tree avenue (Q7592) (← Links)
- Emkendorf estate baroque garden beds (Q7593) (← Links)
- Pronstorf surroundings warder lake (Q7595) (← Links)