Suche mittels Attribut
Diese Seite stellt eine einfache Suchoberfläche zum Finden von Objekten bereit, die ein Attribut mit einem bestimmten Datenwert enthalten. Andere verfügbare Suchoberflächen sind die Attributsuche sowie der Abfragengenerator.
Liste der Ergebnisse
- end date (P11) + (P11)
- language of work or name (P110) + (P110)
- has characteristic (P111) + (P111)
- media type (P112) + (P112)
- Latvian cultural heritage register ID (P113) + (P113)
- Bamberg Vocab ID (P114) + (P114)
- function (P115) + (P115)
- external image URL (P116) + (P116)
- noble title (P117) + (P117)
- mother (P118) + (P118)
- father (P119) + (P119)
- date (P12) + (P12)
- child (P120) + (P120)
- occupation (P121) + (P121)
- event description (P122) + (P122)
- Schleswig-Holstein cultural heritage object ID (P123) + (P123)
- Autor (P124) + (P124)
- Verlag (P125) + (P125)
- ISSN (P126) + (P126)
- country (P127) + (P127)
- contact point (P129) + (P129)
- had participant (P13) + (P13)
- copyright statement (P130) + (P130)
- carried out by (P14) + (P14)
- transferred title to (P15) + (P15)
- transferred title from (P16) + (P16)
- moved to (P17) + (P17)
- moved from (P18) + (P18)
- custody surrendered by (P19) + (P19)
- subclass of (P2) + (P2)
- custody received by (P20) + (P20)
- placeholder (P21) + (P21)
- material used (P22) + (P22)
- consists of (P23) + (P23)
- bears feature (P24) + (P24)
- inscription (P25) + (P25)
- has condition (P26) + (P26)
- part removed (P27) + (P27)
- part added (P28) + (P28)